The latest issue of the Liberal Democrat FOCUS Newsletter is hot off the press and will be delivered across the ward by our team of volunteers.

If you would like to help the Liberal Democrats keep local people informed, please contact Bob Sullivan on (020) 8556 8335, or email him on [email protected].

Or you may also contact Amanda Connolly on (020) 8281 9417 or email [email protected]

FOCUS is being issued every 6 weeks, and a single delivery round should take about 45 minutes.

A copy of the latest issue is available here: Forest FOCUS 165

CHILCOT REPORT – Proud of my party for leading the way

Today is a day for reflection, as we consider the consequences of the fateful decision to go to war in Iraq.

Our first thoughts need to be with the families across the world who have grieved loved ones, experienced life-changing injuries, and witnessed destruction and despair often beyond description.

There is no justice that can compensate their loss, and today we have learned from the Chilcot Report what we all knew already in our hearts – it did not have to be this way.

Lib Dems were united in our opposition to war

For many members in my local party, the Iraq war was a genuine turning point.

Many others chose to join the Liberal Democrats when they saw Charles Kennedy step up to the challenge, in difficult times, and provide the strong, principled leadership our country so desperately needed.

In 2003, every Liberal Democrat MP voted AGAINST going to war in Iraq.

It was the right thing to do, and that has been proven again today. Sir John Chilcot’s report has shown that this was a war of choice, that options for a peaceful resolution still existed, and that our Prime Minister wilfully mislead parliament and the British people to march us into a war he had already decided to launch.

I was proud to see our leader Charles Kennedy refuse to compromise, despite enormous pressure and abuse pouring in from all sides, on the Liberal Democrats’ commitment to internationalism and respect for international law.

Charles Kennedy and Lynne Featherstone (Lib Dem MPs at the time) opposing the war

You can see Charles’ speeches below, he was a real example of principled leadership in a time of crisis. It is not just Liberal Democrats who are missing Charles today. Our whole country is all the poorer without him.

Finally, while Chilcot gives us the chance to reflect on past mistakes, we still have a duty to oppose the mistakes that our leaders are making today!

Right now, Britain risks cutting herself off from our most valuable allies and trading partners, putting millions of jobs at risk and doing massive harm to our economy. I’m proud of Tim Farron for showing equal determination and leadership to fight Brexit and put Britain back where we belong, at the heart of an open, tolerant, free, and prosperous Europe.

If you agreed with us in 2003, if you agree with us now in 2016 – it is time to join the party that is proudly and passionately fighting for the better future we all believe in.

P.S. You can see some great videos of Charles Kennedy’s speeches on Iraq in Parliament and at the anti-way rally in Hyde Park here (via Lib Dem Voice)


The latest issue of the Liberal Democrat FOCUS Newsletter is hot off the press and will be delivered across the ward by our team of volunteers.

If you would like to help the Liberal Democrats keep local people informed, please contact Bob Sullivan on (020) 8556 8335, or email him on [email protected].

Or you may also contact Amanda Connolly on (020) 8281 9417 or email [email protected]

FOCUS is being issued every 6 weeks, and a single delivery round should take about 45 minutes.

A copy of the latest issue is available here: Forest FOCUS 164


The latest issue of the Liberal Democrat FOCUS Newsletter is currently being printed and will be delivered across the ward by our team of volunteers.

If you would like to help the Liberal Democrats keep local people informed, please contact Bob Sullivan on (020) 8556 8335, or email him on [email protected].

FOCUS is being issued every 6 weeks, and a single delivery round should take about 45 minutes.

A copy of the latest issue is available here: Forest FOCUS 163


The latest issue of the Liberal Democrat FOCUS Newsletter is currently being delivered across the ward by our team of volunteers.

If you would like to help the Liberal Democrats keep local people informed, please contact Bob Sullivan on (020) 8556 8335, or email him on [email protected].

FOCUS is being issued every 6 weeks, and a single delivery round should take about 45 minutes.

A copy of the latest issue is available here: Forest FOCUS 162


Residents gathered outside the Town Hall to protest about road closures in the ‘Mini Holland’ scheme

Residents protest ignored!

The recent protest by over 1,200 residents against the road closures in Walthamstow and Leyton showed that the Council’s Mini Holland plans, including closing local roads, does not have the support of all residents despite the Council saying that they had.

Protesters not against the scheme or cyclists, but against road closures
The protesters went out of their way to say that they were not against the scheme or cyclists, but against the road closures. The Council’s plans have succeeded in causing division and anger across the Borough. The closing of roads has forced vehicles onto the already congested main roads like Lea Bridge, Hoe Street, and Leyton High Road and has resulted in a massive slow down of traffic, increased congestion and increased pollution.

Congestion and pollution bad for all
All of this is detrimental to residents, cyclists, pedestrians and bus users. Focus Team member Bob Sullivan, who was in the Town Hall listening to the Mini Holland debate, was appalled by the Labour Council restricting residents from hearing the debate, as they only allowed 12 protesters in, although the chamber can hold over a hundred. He was shocked by the arrogant, illiberal attitude with which Labour Councillors treated residents’ concerns. They were not prepared to review the Mini Holland plans despite residents’ requests and their own Labour MP’s request.

Council continues to ignore residents
They are, in fact, going to ignore residents and continue to put in similar divisive plans across Leyton, Leytonstone and Chingford!


More than 10,000 new members since polling day

Since polls closed last Thursday, more than 10,000 new members have joined the Liberal Democrats.

The surge continues as Liberal Democrats across the country have been fighting back and making the case for liberal values of freedom, liberty and change.


We’re recruiting people who have never joined a party in the past but want to stand together against the things this Conservative government is already promising to do.

Liberal Democrat President Baroness Sal Brinton said:

Something quite extraordinary is happening across the country and our party membership has never grown faster. Events are taking place all over the country and we are delighted so many new people are joining the liberal fight back. 

People were devastated by the results last week, but rather than sit back and lick their wounds, people have been invigorated and inspired.

They are coming together to rebuild a strong, Liberal Democrat party, showing that the politics of hope and tolerance can thrive in the face of the politics of grievance and fear.

To join this growing party, or for more information, please contact:

Clyde Kitson – 020 8534 2947 – [email protected]

or online at:


The number of new members joining the Liberal Democrats since the General Election has now reached 14,928